Catherine Emelyanova, Project Manager Commercial Real Estate - North-West

| Thursday, September 10, 2009

Guest: Catherine Emelyanova, Project Manager Commercial Real Estate - North-West.

Eugene Yakushin: Marketing and promotion of literate - this is something without which hardly will be a successful business. In real estate, where it comes to large amounts of money, the value of these business tools is particularly noticeable. As now working marketers and advertisers in our area?

Catherine Emelyanova: According Hedhantera, in a crisis situation at the commercial property market suffered most of all marketing and advertising agency: their number has decreased by 40-50% - ie almost half. These estimates are, in fact, seem to be true. Representatives of these trades constitute a significant proportion of my friends, is why the last six months I lived like the plague the city - now and then come to the farewell message, in which new jobs are not known.

Eugene Yakushin: Why is this happening? Companies reduce these employees as useless? We, however, now taking place is very active in cooperation with the specialized print media, Internet portals. Fortunately, the news that the company enough - constantly introducing new services, we strive to offer the market what will be claimed. It does not competent marketing and PR-technologies. Although the budget for traditional advertising, we will certainly cut.

Catherine Emelyanova: I think that the crisis is most demanded professionals must become experts in marketing, PR, advertising agency. This is really trivial logic. It has become harder to sell. So should promote better and think more about what to offer the buyer.
For example, marketers. A year ago, the market selling everything that moves (more precisely, «not moving», since we are talking about real estate). For objects that will be built in the near future, an interesting concept and competent focus - a question of survival. In my opinion, those who can create such a concept, employers are required to tear apart.

Or PR-specialists? Those who are going to survive in this market, you need to think ten times before you dismiss PR man. In crisis market reputational risk is significantly higher than in the growing. Not to mention the crisis of confidence in the real estate market in general. When the object under construction will be frozen, announced the deal falls through, and company personnel will be reduced by three, because someone will have to «keep the person» and explain a grateful audience that everything that happens the result of brilliant insights of strategic leadership, and not a sign of approaching bankruptcy. Surely such a person does not need us?
About the advertisers and say nothing. When the listings of services and goods by volume are similar to the «War and Peace», man, capable of attracting the attention of potential buyers, should not be left without work. Somehow it does not fit with my idea of the universe.

Eugene Yakushin: You're right, this seems illogical, but it has become commonplace. Where «feet grow»?

Catherine Emelyanova: Now, in difficult times, survival of the fittest. For companies in need of professionals of the highest level. And these people - rare birds. Not so long ago, the market of «light sales», a specialist company was not so necessary. Could take a simpler and cheaper. And just three. And then three more, because a lot of work. It is difficult to assess the effectiveness of the department - perhaps all that is sold, it would be sold without the global cost of marketing. As John Wanamaker: "I know that half my advertising money is wasted, so just do not know - what." And while the companies had the money, the leadership has chosen not to touch a working scheme that does not make things worse. Marketing departments were padded by staff performing the task of pre-designed pattern, but unable to come up with something new.
As a result, the value of experts in the field of marketing and promotion in the eyes of employers in the real estate market has been underestimated - they simply had no chance to learn to distinguish good from bad professionals. And then, when the specter of poverty stood behind him, under reduction've come marketing and promotion, often in bulk. Without the work were professional specialists of different levels - from managers, fit only to have to send faxes to, indeed, valuable human resources.

Eugene Yakushin: The latter, however, claimed. But the general wage level decreased significantly, even for producers. It turns out that now people have to work much more and
assume greater responsibility for old money.

Catherine Emelyanova: Well even if the old ... When I look at the latest vacancies in the field of marketing and promotion of the real estate market, it makes me uneasy. Employers need a perfect marketing, public relations executive and advertiser in one person. It is desirable that he still knew how to embroider on a typewriter could ... As a reward, an amount, which can be used to hire a younger girl older podbaryshni in the operations center. And what's most annoying - employers for their part right. The market is now a huge number of unemployed specialists in different areas of marketing. And among them there are real diamonds, which is the time to buy for a pittance.

Eugene Yakushin: What do you think the future of PR and advertising in real estate?

Catherine Emelyanova: I believe that eventually the market will put everything in their places.

Eugene Yakushin: Yes, when he will take the place.

Catherine Emelyanova: But now, in a transitional period, marketers have a chance to prove their worth. New market demands new solutions and schemes, unconventional ideas and hard work. And the results of marketing efforts on the background of a falling market would be much more noticeable. Moreover, not only the employer but also its competitors. A good specialist, who will be able to create a company marketing system actually helps sales, on the meager salary is not long delayed. So let's still believe in the best: in the effectiveness of marketing in the cleansing action of the crisis, government support for business.

Eugene Yakushin: Yes, very much want to believe.